Decline and Dysfunction in the American Church, by Reverend Polk Culpepper

Decline and Dysfunction in the American Church front cover

Decline and Dysfunction in the American Church proposes an interdisciplinary explanation, one that converges at the intersection of Christianity and psychology.  Based on his research of over 25 years of parish and diocesan ministry, Culpepper contends that the American church has, for many, become irrelevant to their lives due to the toxic influences of co-dependent patterns of behavior. The same co-dependent behaviors that devastate the efforts of human families to love and support one another effect church congregational and denominational “families” in similar ways.

The Essence of Less, by Nancy Clark

The Essence of Less front cover

The Essence of Less invites you, from the time you discover you have too much stuff—or too much media-, information-, social-, work- and device-driven overload – to enter its pages and allow focus to be your guide through Clark’s exploration and celebration of “lessness” — including the times to

“Let it go—bow your head, drop your eyes with a sigh;/ Give the pearl to the sea, the balloon to the sky.”