This January, spend a Saturday afternoon working on your chapbook or collection of poems, essays, or short stories in this writers’ workshop series led by Richard Krawiec, Danny Krawiec, and Melissa Hassard of Jacar Press and Sable Books.
Part of our Writers’ Workshop series
Putting Your Manuscript Together, with Jacar Press publisher Richard Krawiec
An overview of the publishing scene, looking at options out there for poets and writers looking to find a publisher. We will experience how editors work and make decisions on manuscripts, and practice how to develop criteria, make judgments and rank submissions. Participants will work on revising and ordering their own poems, and receive feedback on the effectiveness of their choices. Bring one copy of 15 of your own strongest poems or pieces, arranged alphabetically.
Removing the Mystery from Book Marketing, with Melissa Hassard of Sable Books
Marketing is telling your story. Marketing your book should be an authentic conversation between you and your reader. This workshop is a conversation led by Melissa Hassard, to talk about your book and specific goals for your work, along with a thorough discussion of social media: what it’s good for, and what it’s not.
Elements and Rules for Book Cover Design with master designer Danny Krawiec of Sable Books
The one job your book cover has — the only job it has — is to sell your book, and in just a few seconds. There are careful considerations to be made in choosing your book’s cover design. This workshop explores book covers, what works and what doesn’t, and even print considerations, from master designer Danny Krawiec. Come and explore design elements, themes, and choices in this casual conversation with lots of examples. If you have book covers to share, feel encouraged to bring your own.
We’ll have thoughtful discussion on how the pieces work together, and you’ll receive one-on-one attention and a hands-on approach to your material.
We hope you’ll join us!
Saturday, January 24, 2015
1:00pm — 5:00pm
Workshop is now SOLD OUT
whose members will find discounted rate available below.

SPECIAL RATE: Members of Women Writers of the Triad,
Writers’ Group of the Triad and Winston-Salem Writers: $25

Writers’ Group of the Triad and Winston-Salem Writers: $25

Writers’ Workshop | Chapbook 101: Putting Your Manuscript in Order